married couple kissing with two kids

How to Celebrate Your Anniversary (When You Have Little Kids)

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Recording of “How to Celebrate Your Anniversary (when you have kids)” read by Nicole Busacker.

Apparently lots of people like to celebrate their anniversary with their kids. Now I can understand that if they’ve been married 50 years and want to have a family celebration. However, I have 2 little kids and I want to have some alone time with my hubby. 

And don’t get me wrong – I’m happy to do something fun with the kids. We all went out to ice cream as a family on our last anniversary. But part of making our anniversary special is making sure we have some time planned without the kids.

When you have young children, it can be hard to find time for just the two of you. However, it is still important to celebrate your anniversary as a couple, even if it is only for one hour and you have to do an at-home date. 

Below are a few things you can do together to celebrate your anniversary without the kids. Most of these ideas won’t break the bank and won’t keep you away from your children for too long.

Ideas for Anniversary at Home:

Want to celebrate your anniversary but don’t have money for a babysitter? Having your anniversary at home could be the answer!

1) Movie in your room with the door locked

Having the door locked is the key! This helps the kids know you’re serious about spending time alone together. You also don’t have to worry about anyone barging in unannounced.

2) Make dinner and/or dessert together

Making a meal can be a fun way to bond together. If you aren’t good at cooking, you can use YouTube as a guide. If you are more experienced cooks, then maybe you want to create a fancy four-course meal or make something without a recipe. Do whatever will bring you joy during your anniversary at home!

3) Look through wedding pictures, honeymoon pictures, and other pictures of fun memories you had together

Although this costs nothing and is super easy to plan, it can be one of the most special dates you have. Taking time to remember your wedding day and the beginning of your relationship can do a lot to keep love and connection alive

4) Talk about your life together

How did/didn’t your life together turn out how you expected it to? What’s your favorite part of still being married to each other?

5) Exchange letters of appreciation and love for each other

Love letters can easily enhance any anniversary celebration, especially if either of your love languages are words of affirmation.

Write down how you feel about your spouse and the things you love about them. It doesn’t matter if you’ve told them before. Repetition can be a great way to strengthen love and keep it alive.

6) Have a romantic picnic in the front or back yard

7) Read past love letters

8) Create a bucket list of things you want to do together in the coming years

This bucket list could include things to do while kids are at home, after kids are out of the house, after you’re retired, etc.

10) Create a time capsule to open in 5, 10, or 20 years

A time capsule can be the perfect way to celebrate your anniversary at home. And it doesn’t have to be complicated! All you need is some sort of container or envelope, and items or notes that represent your lives over the past years.

This website has some great ideas on how to create a time capsule!

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Tips for Celebrating Your Anniversary at Home with Kids:

three kids eating pizza with movie night while parents celebrate anniversary

-Order pizza (or another easy kid favorite) and turn on a movie.

This will help fill their tummies with something they enjoy and keep them occupied so you two can have some time alone.

-Get the kids to bed on time or early.

If you have young kids, keeping them up late might only cause more problems for you guys and take time away from celebrating your anniversary at home. So get them to bed at a decent hour so they’re asleep while you do your at-home date.

-Let the kids know it is a special day for you.

Little kids understand more than you know (especially toddlers)! Tell them that today you are celebrating the day you got married and that you want to have a date with just the two of you to celebrate. This may help them be calmer if you don’t stick to the usual evening routine.

-Tell the kids to act like you’re not home.

If you are anniversary-ing while the kids are awake, tell them to not bother you unless it is a real emergency.

-Get a babysitter to put the kids to bed.

This can take a huge load off your shoulders and get you some more time together for your anniversary at home. Resist any temptation to help the babysitter, and tell them they can go after the kids are asleep. 

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Ideas for Anniversary out of the House:

a couple celebrating anniversary with a picnic on a hill
Photo by Alexander Mass on

If you have a good babysitter in place and the money, then take a few hours to enjoy yourselves! You may need to choose the activity based on how long your kids can last without you guys. 

1) Go out to a really nice restaurant

Classic anniversary celebration, right? But you can make it as original or unique as you want! Go to your favorite sit down restaurant, try something new, or do a progressive dinner by getting one thing at multiple restaurants. 

2) Get a couples massage

This is especially good for parents who need a break. You get to spend time together as a couple away from kids, and just relax.

3) Movie

Such an easy way to celebrate your anniversary, not too expensive, and usually won’t take more than 2-3 hours. Just make sure it is a movie you both will enjoy!

4) Amusement park close by

If you like thrill and live close to an amusement park or have a carnival in town, then this could be a great option for you! You get to spend the day away from kids and just enjoy the excitement of roller coasters and other rides together.

We live close to Lagoon, so my husband and I are going to Lagoon for our 5th anniversary. Our girls are ages 18 months and 3 years old, so they will be just fine at my parents’ house for the day.

5) Arcade

Whether or not you’re not into arcade games, this can be a fun way to celebrate your anniversary! Some Arcades have other activities such as go karts, laser tag, rope courses, mini golf, rides, etc. If you go to the right place you guys will both have tons of fun!

My husband and I went to Wahooz for our 3rd anniversary while our girls stayed with grandparents. We bought tickets that allowed us to do anything in the arcade, only limiting the arcade games (which we didn’t care to do anyway.) We had hours of fun and had plenty of activities to keep us occupied!

6) Water park

If your anniversary is in the summer, then going to a water park could be fun!

My husband and I went to a water park for our 4th anniversary. We brought our girls with us and met my mom there so she could watch them there while my husband and I played.

We were able to go on the big fun slides while my mom stayed in the chill areas of the park with our girls. It was nice to be able to check back in on them every so often since our youngest was still a breastfeeding baby and would get hungry.

7) Musical or play

Going to a musical worked out perfectly when we had a baby who would only breastfeed and not take a bottle. My mom took our baby girl while we watched the musical, and I was able to get out during intermission to see if she needed nursing before watching the rest of the show.

8) Recreate one of your first dates

Pick one of your favorite (and most doable) first dates to recreate! This could help you remember the good old days when it was just you two and bring back fond memories. 

9) Go to a dance

What’s a more romantic anniversary celebration than dancing the night away? I always enjoy dancing with my husband.

If you don’t know how to dance or need to freshen up your skills, consider taking a dance class together either before or as part of your anniversary celebration.

10) Romantic picnic at a park or beautiful scenic view

11) Try a new (or familiar) sport/activity

The options are endless! Indoor rock climbing, ice skating, roller blading, biking, ropes course, etc. Pick one that sounds fun (and not too painful) and go for it! Even if you don’t know how to do it, it will strengthen your relationship as a couple to learn a new skill together. 

12) Go stargazing

You could go stargazing in your backyard or to a park nearby. Or maybe you want to take a long drive to find the perfect spot and spend the drive talking and reminiscing. 

13) One night in a local hotel

If your kiddos are okay spending the night away from you guys, then book a night at a local hotel! You’ll be close enough that you can come home if anything goes wrong, but far enough that it feels like you’re on vacation with your honey.

14) Go to a concert

If you like music, then go to a concert to see a favorite singer or band! Just be sure that both of you will enjoy it. 😉

15) Go out for dessert

If you want to save a little money by not buying a gourmet meal, have a light dinner at home and then go out for dessert. Find the fanciest, most indulgent dessert you can find and enjoy!

Why Celebrate Your Anniversary?

married couple kissing while kids are playing
Photo by JoEllen Moths on

Your marriage is an amazing thing, and you probably want it to last forever. In that case, this relationship you two have created is worth celebrating every year! (It’s even good for your kids to see you celebrate!)

Celebrating your relationship regularly is an investment you make into making your marriage last. This is even more important when you have kids.

It’s good to remember that while you are co-parents, financial partners, and co-workers in life, you are also friends! You can still have fun together and it is important that you make time for that, especially on your anniversary.

However you decide to celebrate your anniversary, no matter if you spend lots of money or stay at home, just do it! Besides, God created us to have joy, especially in marriage (2 Nephi 2:25).

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