married couple walking with their kids

Parenting and Marriage: How to Build a Strong Marriage With Kids

When our first baby was born, I felt like I fell in love with my husband all over again. We worked really well together as a team, and it melted my heart to see him become a dad. Now, almost 4 years later and pregnant with our third baby, I’m starting to see how kids…

mother helping toddler siblings get along

How to Help Siblings Get Along (toddler-specific tips!)

Having a toddler can be both fun and chaotic. Their brains are developing so rapidly, and yet they still need constant teaching and repetition.  Learning how to help siblings get along can be challenging when one or more of those siblings are toddlers. They go through possessive stages, hitting stages, screaming stages, etc.  So how…

mother helping her child climb up a log

God and Motherhood: How God can Help in Your Motherhood Journey

“I can’t do this.” This thought has popped into my head too many times to count as a mom. I’m too tired, too anxious, too overwhelmed to be the mom my kids need me to be. The house isn’t clean enough, the meal isn’t balanced enough, the cupboards aren’t organized enough, and I just can’t…

young mother having alone time with open arms while closed eyes smiling

Mommy “Me Time” Ideas (when and why to have alone time)

I find it ironic that many things that help you thrive as a mom are often the most difficult to obtain. A full night’s rest, a well-balanced diet, exercise, and time to yourself. In other words, it is difficult to meet your own needs while caring for a little human being (or more). I understand…

cute cartoon couple upset at each other

How to Understand Your Partner (when they do things that don’t make sense)

Have you ever felt like your partner reacted irrationally when you asked them a simple question? Or you were having a casual, light-hearted conversation when all of a sudden they went silent or started sobbing? These unpredictable behaviors can be very frustrating and confusing, and you may be at a loss at how to resolve…