How to Have a Baby on a Budget
Unsure how to have a baby on a budget? Here are 5 hacks that will help you prepare financially for a baby and teach you how to save money after having a baby. Great tips for new parents having their first child!
Are you anxious about whether or not you are a good parent? While none of us are perfect, there are a few things we can do to optimize our chances of having a healthy relationship with our child. This is crucial as our child’s relationship with us is the foundation for all other relationships they will have.
As a parent, you have probably struggled to figure out which type of discipline works best on children. What will get them to make the right choices and stop making the wrong ones? How can we keep them out of trouble? How do we help them learn from other’s mistakes instead of making all those…
The role of fathers is very undermined today. The feminist movement in the early 1900’s was great because it allowed women more opportunities, but I believe we have now forgetten how important men are in our lives. Today, women are given the right to vote and work, and we often admire the power women have….
As a parent, do you ever wonder if the time you spend with your kid is really worthwhile? It sounds like a terrible question, but let’s be honest – sometimes it may feel like your time would be better spent earning a little extra cash or starting that new hobby you’ve been wanting to do…