parents teaching toddler about Jesus

How to Introduce Jesus to Your Toddler

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As Christian parents, figuring out when and how to introduce Jesus to your toddler is a very important part of the parenting journey. We are most likely the first people our kids will learn about Jesus from, so how we go about introducing them to Him is something we need to seriously think about.

Below are some tips that will help you know how to start teaching your child about Jesus. I encourage you to go about teaching your children prayerfully and consider which tactics will be the most beneficial for your family.

When Should I Introduce Jesus to My Child? 

2 or 3 years old may seem too young to introduce Jesus to your child, but it is never too early to start! I believe that the sooner you start, the better. That way you will already be in the habit of teaching your child about Jesus by the time they are old enough to understand.

Why Should I Teach My Toddler About Jesus?

Toddlers understand much more than we give them credit for. The first few years of a child’s life are when their brains develop the most, so it is crucial that we teach them about Jesus during this time.

Jesus Himself said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14, KJV). 

Ideas on How to Introduce Jesus to Your Toddler

1. Read scripture stories to your toddler

parents reading scripture stories with kids
Photo by cottonbro studio on

Reading children’s stories from the Bible and The Book of Mormon is one of the best ways to introduce Jesus to your toddler. Once they have learned these stories by heart, they will be able to remember and refer back to them throughout their lives. 

Tips on reading scriptures with your toddler:

  • Simplify the stories. Unless the stories are very very short and simple, I recommend summarizing. Don’t try to force your toddler to listen to a story longer than they can pay attention. Use simple words and make sure the message is something they can understand, such as, “Jesus loves you.”
  • Be consistent. It is a great idea to have a set time each day when you read scripture stories or Jesus books with your toddler. We read scripture stories every night with our daughter before she goes to bed. She knows this is a part of her bedtime routine, and often looks forward to reading from her kid’s Bible each night.
  • Use age-appropriate books. Make sure there are plenty of pictures in the books you choose to read to your child. Sometimes explaining the picture to them is enough. It can also help if the books are fun and engaging with pop-ups or flaps that open. Below are some excellent Jesus books your toddler will love!

2. Pray at regular times of the day with your child

parents praying with kids
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

Tips on how to pray with your toddler:

  • Begin when they are very young, before they can speak. This will help them get used to the act of praying and the wording that is used. 
  • When you feel your toddler is able, tell them the words to say and let them repeat the words the best they can. Go slowly, keep the prayer short, and do one phrase or word at a time.
  • Be consistent. Keep praying every day at the same time with your toddler so they know what to expect. Even if the prayer doesn’t seem sincere, or the toddler tries to run away, just keep going. You may need to say the prayer yourself if they are too distracted or resistant. Your toddler will learn over time the meaning of prayer and how important it is as they get older. 
  • Never force your child to pray. If your toddler is resistant, never punish them for not praying. Try to make it a positive experience and not a negative one that they resent.
  • Teach your toddler why we pray. Tell your child that we pray because God loves us and wants to hear from us. We also need to tell Him thank you for the blessings He gives us, and He is happy when we do.

3. Talk to your child about Jesus daily

parent talking to toddler about Jesus

A great way to introduce Jesus to your toddler is by making Him a part of your daily conversations. Tell your child about how Jesus loves them, that He created this beautiful world for us, and that He wants us to be like Him. 

I’m not perfect at this, but sometimes all I do is tell my toddler that Jesus loves her before she goes to sleep. It can be as simple as that.

4. Use Christmas and Easter as a time to teach your toddler more about Jesus

family remembering Christ with Nativity
Photo by Craig Adderley on

Christmas and Easter are excellent opportunities to teach your toddler more about Jesus. And it can be fun! Tell them the stories of His birth and Resurrection in simple terms using books, toys, and videos. They may understand a lot more than you anticipate!

(Need ideas? Check out my posts on fun, kid-friendly ways to keep Christ in Christmas and remember Jesus during Easter.)

5. Introduce your toddler to Jesus using pictures

parent introducing Jesus to toddler with a book
Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva on

Pictures are one of the best ways to introduce your toddler to Jesus! Our daughter started recognizing pictures of Jesus around age one. We have some pictures of Jesus on our walls at home and in books that we would show her. After she recognized these as Jesus, she started pointing out other pictures and statues of Jesus we saw in other places. 

Children are very visual, so it helps to have something for them to look at when you want to teach them something. Introducing your toddler to Jesus is no different.

6. Model what Jesus would do

Christian family walking and holding hands
Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr. on

One of the best ways to introduce your child to Jesus is by modeling what He would do. When they see you acting in a way that Jesus would, it will be easier for your toddler to understand the kind of Person Jesus is and how to follow Him.

You Can Do This!

While teaching your toddler should be simple, it can be challenging. Remembering to pray and taking time to read scripture stories with them is easier said than done. However, I want you to know that it is worth it. 

God has given you the amazing privilege and responsibility of raising one of His precious children. It is up to you to seek His guidance and strive to help your children get to know His Son, Jesus Christ, throughout their lives. 

God does not expect you to be perfect at it, and He knows it will be hard some days. But keep pushing forward and watch for the blessings and joy God will send your way for teaching your toddler about Jesus!


  1. I am so glad you posted about this important and vital part of raising our children. Jesus does love them and they need to know it. They need to know who Jesus is that they may learn to be like him and have joy in this life.

  2. These are such great examples and they will build confidence in even the very young toddlers.
    We have a picture of Jesus holding a small child. Our young grandchildren are drawn to this scene. They feel the love of our Savior and can relate to the small child being held by Jesus.

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