What is Hypnobirthing and My Experience With it
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When I was pregnant, I looked up many birthing courses because I knew I needed to educate myself and be prepared, especially since I wanted to have a natural birth. One course I came across was hypnobirthing.
At first, hypnobirthing seemed like a very strange idea. It sounded to me like some weird magic trick hypnotizing me to birth my baby. Or like something you see in movies where a person is swinging a pocket watch back and forth while saying mystically: “You are getting sleepy…”
Well, after really learning what hypnobrithing is and starting the hypnobirthing class, my misunderstandings were clarified, I was enlightened by the truth of hypnobirthing.
Myths about Hypnobirthing

There are so many misconceptions and myths about hypnobirthing. Just the word itself can bring on dozens of negative connotations. I would like to start about by getting rid of those false impressions and myths you may have heard.
What hypnobirthing is not:
- Someone putting you into a trance to help you magically birth your baby without feeling or remembering anything
- Losing control of what your body does
- A guarantee that you will have a natural birth
- Staying in the same position during labor
- Something you can learn overnight
- Rejecting all medical assistance or necessities
- A way of birthing that is unnatural
- Something that is only for the “crazies” out there like psychics or mediums
- Giving up your ability to choose how you birth and letting go of your values
- A guarantee that you will have a pain-free brith
You can also go here or here to learn more about myths of hypnobirthing.
What is Hypnobirthing?

If you want the short definition, hypnobirthing is the act of using hypnosis to be in a relaxed state of mind and body during labor and birth.
Hypnobirthing teaches that pain during labor and birth is caused or enhanced by fear. When we trust, relax, and submit to our bodies, it is possible to feel less or no pain at all!
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis involves getting into a relaxed state of mind and body, then telling the subconscious what you want your mind and body to believe or do. It is very similar to guided meditation.
While many people think of hypnosis as manipulation or causing someone to lose control of themselves, this is not necessarily the case. No one can be hypnotized if they do not allow themselves to relax and be hypnotized. Even in a state of hypnosis, an individual’s subconscious won’t let the person do anything that is against their value system.
For example, if I allowed my body and mind to relax to the words of a hypnotist and then they told me to rob a gas station, I wouldn’t do it. Why? Because I don’t believe that stealing is right and I would never do that. If the hypnotist told me to believe that I am a person worthy of love and care, I would believe them. I would believe them because that is in line with my value system and I want to think positively of myself.
What does hypnobirthing look like during labor?
If I woman chooses to use hypnobirthing during labor, then she will likely have a hypnobirthing tract playing in the background or someone reading hypnobirthing scripts to her. She will probably seem much more quiet and relaxed than most women we see giving brith in movies.
During contractions (or surges), the birthing woman may change positions, moan, breathe deeply, etc. No two hypnobirths will look exactly alike.
The main difference between hypnobirths and a non-hypnobirth is that hypnobirthing woman will likely have an easier time relaxing. Why is this? Because she has used hypnosis to prepare her mind to believe that she and her baby are safe, and she has trained her body to relax.
What Does the Hypnobirthing Class Involve?

Hypnobirthing classes that follow the Mongan Method involve educating the mom and dad about the mom’s body and how to have a safe, easy, smooth, and comfortable birth. The course focuses on teaching these points:
- Building a positive attitude and perspective towards birth and how fear affects birth
- Preparing the mind and body for birth by having a nutritious diet during pregnancy and using hypnosis with positive affirmations
- Learning how the mom’s body and the baby work together during birth and how to create a good birth plan
- The simplicity of birth including how to know whether to say “no” to interventions, how to push the baby out, and additional relaxation techniques
- Additional tips including natural induction techniques, newborn hospital procedures (what is necessary and what isn’t), and info about the baby’s first hour
In addition, you will likely receive the hypnobirthing book, a handbook with hypnobrithing scripts and helpful information, and recordings to listen to.
The go-to hypnobirthing book
In the go-to hypnobirthing book, Marie Mongan does an excellent job of sharing how birth has evolved over the years and what it was meant to be. She also provides helpful information about laboring positions, how to prepare for birth, and how to overcome obstacles that could interfere with a peaceful birth. Her book teaches women that birth can be beautiful, smooth, and painless.
To learn more about how to be relaxed during birth and what your body does during birth, check out Hypbobirthing: A Natural Approach to a Safe, Easier, More Comfortable Birthing. My husband and I got this book for free when we paid for the hypnobirthing course, or you can buy it on Amazon.
What are the recordings like?
The main recording for hypnobrithing is called “Rainbow Relaxation.” This recording helps the listener to relax each part of their body, one by one. Using the visualization of rainbow colors, it also recites positive affirmations about birthing including that birth would be smooth, that their body would act as it should, that the baby is in the correct position, etc. The goal of listening to this regularly is to help the listener train their subconscious to have positive thoughts about birth and let go of any fears.
My husband also recorded himself reading a few other self-hypnosis scripts that came in our handbook for class. One of my favorite recordings is of my husband reading a script about going to a beautiful place and swimming underneath a waterfall. The imagery that the recording takes me to helps me relax and accept the positive affirmations that I chose my husband to add into the script.
After listening to the scripts regularly, I found myself falling asleep to them almost instantly. Our teacher said that the reason for this was because my body and subconscious were so used to relaxing while I was listening to the recordings that they associated the recording with instant relaxation. It was incredible! She also explained that even though we may not remember the rest of the recording, our subconscious was still listening and helping us believe the positive birth affirmations.
My experience taking the class
From my experience, the class was very empowering and enlightening. My husband and I took it with Hypnobirthing Utah County over zoom, and our teacher was amazing and hilarious! The class we took was once each week for 5 weeks. Each class was 2.5 hours long. It sounds like a long time, but it was very interesting and the teacher kept us engaged!
After each class, our teacher assigned us homework, including reading the hypnobirthing book by Marie Mongan, listening to the hypnobirthing recordings or having my husband read them to me, and creating a birth plan. All the assignments she gave us were very helpful in preparing us for birth.
Together, my husband and I learned the most important things we needed to know to have a peaceful birth. My main takeaway was learning how to let go of fear. For me, this was the key to having a peaceful and smooth birth.
We loved this class so much that we decided to take it again for our second baby.
When Should You Start Hypnobirthing?

In my opinion, the earlier you start hypnobirthing the better. You can start a month before you give birth, but it won’t be as effective. It takes time to get rid of fears and misconceptions about birth that you have grown up with.
I recommend taking the class and start listening to the hypnobirthing recordings in the first or second trimester if possible. You can take it in the third trimester and still have a great experience, but don’t put it off and make sure to practice diligently.
Why I Chose to do Hypnobirthing

So why did I choose hypnobirthing? The idea that my body knew how to give birth without medical help was empowering to me. I wanted to trust my body and understand what it was capable of. I believed I could have a natural birth and that this path would help me achieve my goal. Additionally, I wanted to experience a smooth, easy, peaceful birth.
Another reason I love hypnobirthing is because I find meditation to be an effective way of helping me to relax. If meditation isn’t your thing, then maybe hypnobirthing is not the best birthing route for you, and that’s okay.
Is Hypnobirthing Effective?

Long story short, yes! Hypnobirthing worked for me. It helped me to feel at peace during labor and delivery, trust those around me, and achieve my goal of having a natural birth.
I loved having the recordings of hypnobirthing scripts play in the background during my labor. In between contractions, there were moments I was so relaxed that I started falling asleep. It was still lots of work though, especially for my husband and doula who were there by my side applying counter-pressure and giving me support. (Don’t know much about doulas? Learn more here!) While the birth of my baby didn’t go exactly as I wanted, I am very happy with how it turned out!
Overall, I am very glad that I chose to do hypnobirthing. I learned above all to trust in God, trust those around me, and to trust my body.